Policy 4220B




The following procedures apply to full time contract employees. Full time contract employees are employees on 9, 10, 11, or 12-month contracts and are described as Faculty, Professionals, Associate Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, and the College President. Faculty members hold positions that are primarily instructional. Professionals hold primarily non-instructional positions, below the level of Associate Vice President.


Professional Standards Boards (PSBs) will advise the administration in matters involving initial placement, reclassification, transfer, Horizontal Advancement and Rank Advancement.


When reviewing Initial Placement, Reclassification and Transfer, the PSB composition will vary according to the nature of the position.

PSB Composition for FACULTY Positions:


 PSB Members

Appointed By

 Vice President for Student Learning


 Division Chair


 One Faculty in Related Discipline

Division Chair

 One Faculty in Related Discipline

VP for Student Learning

One Interdisciplinary Professional or Faculty 

Senate Chair


If the Division Chair is absent, the Vice President for Student Learning makes the appointment. If the Senate Chair is absent, the Vice-Chair, the past Chair, and then the Secretary respectively makes the appointment. Each PSB shall have a chair. The Chair of the PSB is appointed by the Vice President for Student Learning, in consultation with the supervisor of the position.

PSB Composition for PROFESSIONAL Positions


 PSB Members

Appointed By

 Supervising VP for the vacant positions


 Immediate Supervisor (if other than the Supervising VP)


 One Professional, preferably in a related position

Supervising VP

 One Faculty, preferably in a related position

Supervising VP

One Professional

Senate Chair

One Professional or Faculty

Senate Chair


If the Senate Chair is absent, the Vice-Chair, the past Chair, and then the Secretary, respectively makes the appointment. Each PSB shall have a Chair. The Chair of the PSB is appointed by the Vice President responsible for the vacant position, in consultation with the supervisor of the position.



 PSB Members

Appointed By

 College President


 One VP or Associate VP

College President

 One Professional or Faculty

College President

 One Faculty

Senate Chair

 One Professional

Senate Chair


If the Senate Chair is absent, the Vice-Chair, the past Chair, and then the Secretary, respectively makes the appointment. Each PSB shall have a chair. The Chair of the PSB is appointed by the College President, in consultation with the supervisor of the position.


The selection process for College President shall be determined by the Board of Trustees.


PSB Members / Elected By:

 PSB Members

Elected By

 Faculty (one from each instructional division)

Faculty and Professionals in election conducted by the Senate

 3 Professionals

Faculty and Professionals in election conducted by the Senate


This PSB will be made up of members who serve alternating two-year terms. Members will be elected each Spring semester, as needed, in an election conducted by the Senate.

The election of Faculty will be from nominees selected by the instructional divisions. A division must select as least two nominees whenever a PSB member needs to be elected from that division. The names of these nominees are then given to the Senate. The Professionals must select at least 4 nominees whenever one or more PSB members needs to be elected from the Professionals. The names of these nominees are then given to the Senate.

If an elected PSB members applies for Horizontal Advancement, or cannot serve for any other reason, the Senate Chair will name a replacement for the remainder of the member’s term. This replacement must be from the same instructional division, or from the Professionals, as applicable.

Each PSB member shall have completed four years of service at Western Wyoming Community College before beginning his or her tenure on the committee.

The PSB will have a Chair and A vice-Chair. In the Fall semester of each year, the previous Vice-Chair of the PSB will become the new Chair. The PSB will select a new Vice-Chair at the first meeting of PSB, each Fall semester.


There are six personnel processes associated with this procedure:

A. Initial Placement
B. Reclassification
C. Transfer
D. Horizontal Advancement
E. Rank Advancement
F. Degree Attainment: Remuneration for Current Employees

Below, each of these processes is described. The role of the PSB, if applicable, is discussed, as well as procedures and standards.


Duties of the PSB for Initial Placement:
The Professional Standards Board reviews position descriptions for full time contract positions, and may recommend changes. These reviews must occur before advertising for:

  • A new position at the College,
  • An opening in an established position, or
  • A position being considered for reclassification.

After a position is advertised, the PSB:
• Reviews the applications,
• Decides if any of the candidates has the appropriate credentials,
• Recommends candidates to be interviewed,
• Interviews the candidates,
• Recommends a candidate to the appropriate College official who recommends a candidate to the President. The President submits a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. Should the recommendation of the President differ from either the PSB or the College official, the Board will be so informed. In this event, the PSB members and the College official will also be informed.

Column Placement for Faculty and Professionals
When a candidate is offered employment, the supervisor for the vacant position, the appropriate Vice President, and the Chair of the PSB, in consultation with the PSB and the Vice President for Administrative Services, will use the candidate’s experience and education to determine appropriate column placement.

All new Faculty and Professionals will be placed in Column I or Column II. Initial placement will be in Column II if the following standards are met, otherwise, initial placement will be in Column I.

 Minimum Position-Related Experience Needed for Column II Placement  

Position-Related Academic Degree or licensure/certification



Less than a Doctoral Degree (But at least the minimum Degree or Licensure/Certification required in the position description)

5 Years

5 Years, including at least 18 semester hours college teaching experience

Position-Related Doctoral Degree 

1 Year

18 semester hours college teaching experience


The “Guidelines for Evaluating Education Achievements” will be used to determine whether an academic degree is position-related.

Initial Salary for Faculty and Professionals

After Column placement is determined, the new employee may be awarded additional salary above the base salary for the Column. The supervisor for the vacant position, the appropriate Vice President, and the Chair of the PSB, in consultation with the PSB and the Vice President for Administrative Services, will use the candidate’s experience and education to determine appropriate salary, in accordance with the two tables below.

 Additional Salary for Degree Attainments 

 Highest Degree

Additional Salary


+1.5% of Column I Base

Second Associates

+2.5% of Column I Base


+3.0% of Column I Base

 Second Bachelors

+5.0% of Column I Base


+7.0% of Column I Base

 Second Masters

+11.0% of Column I Base


+20.0% of Column I Base

Second Doctorate

+33.0% of Column I Base


Degrees must be position-related as defined in the College’s “Guidelines for Evaluating Education Achievements.”

Additional Salary for Relevant Work Experience 

 Column I Placement

For each 2 years experience, 5% of Column I Base, up to 10%

Column II Placement

For each 2 years experience beyond 5 years, 5% of Column I Base, up to 10%


When the candidate is offered employment, the supervising Vice President is responsible for informing the candidate of the justifications for column and salary placement. When the candidate accepts the offer of employment, the supervising Vice President will then give this justification to the candidate in writing, if the justification to the candidate was initially made verbally. The Human Resources office will keep a copy of this document on permanent file.

Column Placement and Salary, Internal Appointments

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this procedure, the faculty member who is appointed to fill a vacant professional, or a professional who is appointed to fill a vacant faculty or professional position, will be compensated from the same column or higher, and at the same rate of pay or higher, pro-rated for length of contract, if applicable, as enjoyed prior to the new appointment. This provision applies to faculty and professionals appointed to fill vacant positions via either the competitive application process or the transfer process.

Should a Vice President or Associate VP be appointed to fill a vacant faculty or professional position, the salary shall be determined by the President, in consultation with the supervising Vice President, the Human Resources Officer, and the PSB.

Market Impacted Positions

If a national search does not find a qualified candidate willing to accept the position because the market mandates an initial salary higher than the salary as determined above, the hiree may be granted up to 25 percent above this level. Two conditions must apply: (1) the PSB, the supervisor, the Human Resources Officer, and the President must approve this action in writing and (2) the hiree cannot be hired at a higher salary than that earned by an incumbent employee in an identical or closely related position, unless the hiree has significantly greater credentials than the incumbent employee.


The PSB will review all institutional requests for reclassifying a position from the paraprofessional to the professional category.

The PSB reviews the proposed position description and the salary placement. The PSB shall recommend a salary for the incumbent taking the standards for Initial Placement into consideration as well as the incumbent’s experience at Western Wyoming Community College and his/her educational background.

If the PSB approves a reclassification, it sends a recommendation, the proposed position description, and the rationale for the reclassification to the appropriate College officers.

These officers make a recommendation and forward both their and the PSB’s recommendation to the President.

The President sends a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board makes the final decision.


A qualified employee may request to be considered for a transfer to a vacant position, prior to the position being advertised. Such a request must be made in writing to the Human Resources Office. If the request is approved by the President and other appropriate College officers, the PSB for Transfer would then consider the employee’s qualifications for the vacant position, and send its recommendation to the College President. The President will make a recommendation to the Board of Trustees, which makes the final decision.

When considering an application for Reclassification or Transfer, the PSB must apply the appropriate standards described both in the Initial Placement and Advancement sections.


For Faculty and Professionals, Horizontal Advancement is defined as an advancement to the next salary column, with an accompanying salary increase as described below. These advancements are not a reward for longevity. To qualify for Horizontal Advancement, candidates must demonstrate a high level of professional performance. The same standards of excellence apply equally to candidates for Initial Placement and Horizontal Advancement.

Eligibility Requirements for Horizontal Advancement
For an employee, the formal Horizontal Advancement process is initiated when the employee submits the Human Resources form entitled “Intent to Apply for Horizontal Advancement.” The Human Resources Office then determines whether the employee is expected to have the required number of years of service by the application deadline. (The application deadline, and other critical dates relating to Horizontal Advancement, are listed below; see Application Process and Timelines).

An employee’s years of service in a column will be counted on the basis of contract-years; that is, the number of completed 9-month contracts for employees on 9-month contracts; the number of completed 10-month contracts for employees on 10-month contracts, and so on. To be eligible for Horizontal Advancement, the employee must complete the required years of service by the application deadline.

Years of Service Required to apply for Horizontal Advancement:


If the Human Resources Office determines that the employee is expected to meet the years of service requirement, the employee’s Intent Form will be forwarded to the Educational Achievement Committee. This committee will then determine whether the employee meets the Minimum Educational Requirements to apply for Horizontal Advancement.

Minimum Educational Requirements to Apply for Horizontal Advancement

For Persons with a position description requiring:

Column I to Column II

Column II to Column III

Column III to Column IV

Less than a Bachelors Degree

4 years in Column I

4 years in Column II, plus:

  • Bachelors Degree in position-related discipline, OR

  • Current professional licensure or professional certification AND

  • At least 225 hours of formal, position-related professional development since time of initial appointment, including attendance at workshops, seminars, courses and so forth. Up to 80 hours of this 225 hours may be satisfied by relevant on-the-job work experience. Each College credit counts as 15 hours.

 5 years in Column III plus:

  • Bachelors Degree in position-related discipline AND EITHER

  • Current professional licensure or certification, OR

  • At least 225 hours of formal, position-related professional development since entry into Column III, including attendance at workshops, seminars, courses and so forth. Up to 80 hours of this 225 hours may be satisfied by relevant on-the-job work experience. Each college credit counts as 15 hours.

 Bachelors Degree

Bachelors Degree, plus 4 years in Column I

Bachelors Degree, plus 4 years in Column II, plus at least one of the following:

  • Earned Doctorate in position-related discipline.
  • Masters Degree in position-related discipline.
  • Second bachelors degree in position-related discipline.
  • 15 college credit hours in position-related subjects since time of initial appointment. These credit hours may not be part of the employee's Bachelor's degree required by the position description.
  • Current professional licensure or professional certification related to position.
  • Completion of at least 30 credit hours of graduate work in position-related subjects, except that no more than 6 of these credit hours may be dissertation, research, thesis, continuing education, practicum, topics, independent study, workshop or the like.

 Bachelors Degree, plus 5 years in Column III, plus at least one of the following:

  • Earned Doctorate in position-related discipline.
  • Masters Degree in position-related discipline.

 Masters Degree

Masters Degree, plus 4 years in Column I

Masters Degree, plus 4 years in Column II, plus at least one of the following:

  • Earned Doctorate in position-related discipline
  • Second Masters Degree in position-related discipline
  • Current professional licensure or professional certification related to position
  • At least 15 college credit hours (graduate and/or undergraduate) in position-related subjects since time of initial appointment. These credit hours may not be part of the employee's Master's degree required by the position description
  • Completion of at least 50 credit hours of graduate work in position-related subjects; except that no more than 10 of these credit hours may be dissertation, research, thesis, continuing education, topics, independent study, practicum or the like. 

Masters Degree, plus 5 years in Column III, plus at least one of the following:

  • Earned doctorate in position-related discipline
  • Current professional licensure or certification related to position
  • At least 30 college credit hours in position-related subjects since time of initial appointment with the following stipulations:
    • At least 15 of those credits must have been earned since placement into Column III
    • At least 15 of those credits must be graduate level
  • Completion of at least 65 credit hours of graduate work in position-related subjects; except that no more than 13 of these credit hours may be dissertation, research, thesis, practicum, continuing education, topics, independent study or the like.


Evaluation of Candidates by the PSB for Horizontal Advancement

An employee who completes the preceding steps successfully will then prepare an application for Horizontal Advancement, called the candidate’s portfolio. In this portfolio, it is the candidate’s responsibility to include all application materials and supporting documentation in complete form. The portfolio must be submitted to Human Resources by the deadline; see Application Process and Timelines, which follows.

The Human Resources Office will forward the portfolios to the Chair of the PSB for Horizontal Advancement.

All portfolios must include:

  • A letter from the supervising Vice President and immediate supervisor (if other than the supervising VP) that discusses the candidate’s work performance.
  • A copy of the candidate’s current official position description, and any relevant previous position descriptions.
  • Appropriate evaluations, and documentation of accomplishments in the three areas of accomplishment, described below.

The PSB members and the candidates for advancement need to be familiar with the College’s “Guidelines for Horizontal Advancement.” These guidelines, approved by the College President, provide examples of activities that might be used to demonstrate excellence in the three areas of accomplishment.

Candidates may not submit accomplishments cited in one successful Horizontal Advancement application in any subsequent applications for Horizontal Advancement.

Once submitted, a candidate’s portfolio stands alone. The PSB will not solicit additional information or materials before making a decision and the candidate may not add to, or take any materials from the portfolio after submission.

The Three Areas of Accomplishment
Candidates should organize materials in the portfolio according to three areas of accomplishment.

(1) Primary Job Performance
Candidates must document consistent exceptional performance of primary job responsibilities for the time of service in his or her current column.

Faculty members must substantiate consistent exceptional primary job performance through evaluations from:

Division Chair or Director:

  • A current letter of recommendation
  • All classroom evaluations done by the division chair or Director
  • All annual evaluations done by the division chair or Director

At least two classes from each semester taught since previous advancement. (If this minimum of two classes per semester is not met, the candidate should explain the circumstances in his or her application.)

Candidates may also include evaluations from peers, and any further documentation that substantiates exceptional performance. Candidates should refer to “Guidelines for Horizontal Advancement” for further information.

Professional employees must substantiate exceptional primary job performance through evaluations from:

Annual evaluations and a current letter of recommendation.


Candidates may also include evaluations from clients and/or students, and any further documentation that substantiates exceptional performance. Candidates should refer to “Guidelines for Horizontal Advancement” for further information.

(2) Contribution to Western Wyoming Community College above Primary Job Requirement

Candidates must document exceptional contributions to Western Wyoming Community College beyond assigned primary job responsibilities. Candidates should refer to “Guidelines for Horizontal Advancement” for further information.

(3) Contributions Apart from Western Wyoming Community College in Service to the Profession and/or to the Community
Candidates should document exceptional contributions to professional and/or community projects. Candidates should refer to “Guidelines for Horizontal Advancement” for further information.

Procedures of the PSB for Horizontal Advancement
The PSB is responsible for evaluating and ranking candidates for Horizontal Advancement.
The Human Resources Specialist is an ex-officio member of the PSB and serves as the official recorder for all results. A record must be developed and available to PSB members to help ensure both short-term consistency, as each member evaluates the documents, and long-term consistency, as the committees continues and the membership changes.

The Vice Chair from the previous year will become Chair. The PSB will elect a new Vice-Chair. The following activities then take place:
•Committee members evaluate the candidates’ portfolios independently.
•The Committee as a whole ranks the candidates.

Evaluating the Candidates’ Portfolios
Each committee member will independently read the candidates’ portfolios. Based on the documentation in the portfolio, the committee member will “grade” the quality of achievement in each of the three categories:

Exceptional Primary Job Performance 100
Exceptional Performance Beyond Primary Job 100
Exceptional Performance Apart from Western Wyoming Community College 100

The scores that the committee member assigns in these 3 categories are called the raw scores.

So that the evaluation is not totally quantitative, each committee member must also write qualitative comments about the candidate’s performance in each category. These written comments must be based upon documented evidence, or lack thereof, in candidate’s portfolio. These written comments will help the committee as a whole write a rationale for their decisions.

For each candidate, the committee member will write the raw scores and qualitative comments on forms supplied by the Human Resources Office. When the committee member has evaluated all of the candidates, the forms will be forwarded, through the Human Resources Office, to the Chair of the PSB.

Determining Each Candidate’s Mean Score
The Chair of the PSB and the Human Resources Specialist are jointly responsible for computing each candidate’s mean score, using the following averaging procedures:

1. In each of the three categories, the raw score assigned by a committee member is multiplied by the appropriate weight.


Column II

Column III

Column IV

Exceptional Primary Job Performance




Exceptional Performance Beyond Primary Job




Exceptional Performance Apart from Western Wyoming Community College





2. For each candidate, this gives 3 scores from each committee member. These are added together to give the net score from each committee member.

If committee member X gave candidate Y the raw scores 94,90, and 85 in the three categories, respectively; and if the candidate is applying for advancement to Column III, these percentages would be multiplied by the weights .70, .20, and .10 respectively:
94 X .70 = 65.8
90 X .20 = 18.0
85 X .10 = 8.5

Adding the results to this example gives the net score of 92.3 assigned to Candidate Y, and from committee member X.

3. For each candidate, the highest and lowest net scores are disregarded. A mean average is determined for the remaining scores. This average is the candidate’s mean score.

4. Any candidate who qualifies for Advantage Points, as described below, will have 5 points added to his or her mean score.

Evaluation by the Committee as a Whole
The committee as a whole will meet and examine the mean scores and the written judgments of the committee members. Those candidates who have attained a mean score of 90 or greater will be recommended for advancement by the PSB. The committee will also:
•Rank of all of the candidates recommended by the PSB.
•Write a rationale for the recommendations and ranking.
•Submit its recommendations, rankings, and justifications to the College President, through the Human Resources Office.

Advantage Points
In any given year, due to budgetary constraints, the President may not recommend and the Board of Trustees might not grant Horizontal Advancement to all the candidates recommended by the PSB. Any such candidate who is not granted advancement will be allotted 5 additional Advantage Points, which will be applied to his or her Horizontal Advancement application in the following year, if all of the following conditions are met:

• The candidate re-applies the following year; (this requirement will be waived if the College does not conduct a Horizontal Advancement process the following year);
• The candidate’s mean score was 90 or above the previous year;
• The candidate’s updated portfolio is evaluated along with those of the other applicants;
• The candidate again receives a mean score of 90 or above.

The 5 Advantage point will them be added to the candidate’s mean score.

In the event the candidate meets the above conditions and is again not granted Horizontal Advancement, then the process can be repeated in the third, and subsequent years. However, there will be no accumulation of Advantage points. Only 5 Advantage points can be allotted to any candidate.

Application Process and Timelines for Horizontal Advancement
Each year, the College’s final decisions concerning Horizontal Advancement are made in the Fall semester, but the formal process commences at the start of the Spring semester.

For an employee, the Horizontal Advancement process is initiated when the employee submits the Human Resources form entitled “Intent to Apply for Horizontal Advancement.” For those employees who intend to apply for Horizontal Advancement in any given year, this form is due to the Human Resources Office by the last working day before beginning of daytime classes in the Spring semester. The purpose of this deadline is to allow the Educational Achievement Committee enough time to make its determinations.

The Human Resources Office then determines whether the employee is expected to have the required number of years of service by the application deadline in the Fall semester. If the Human Resources Office determines that the employee is expected to meet the years of service requirement, the employee’s Intent form will be forwarded to the Educational Achievement Committee.

By April 15, the Educational Achievement Committee will determine whether the employee meets the Minimum Educational Requirements (MER) to apply for Horizontal Advancement. The Human Resources Office will formally notify the employee of the Educational Achievement Committee’s decision. If the employee her MER work in progress, the approval may be contingent upon completion of this work.

Employees who complete the preceding steps successfully will then prepare documentation and supporting materials in a portfolio as described in Section D of this procedure. These portfolios must be submitted to the Human Resources Office by 5:00 p.m. on the last working day before the beginning of daytime classes in the 16-week Fall semester.

The Human Resources Office will forward the portfolios to the Chair of the PSB for Horizontal Advancement.

By September 30th, the PSB for Horizontal Advancement will review the portfolios and submit written recommendations to the College President, through the Human Resources Office.

By October 1st, the Human Resources Office will forward the candidates’ portfolios to the President, together with the recommendations of the PSB.

At the regular October Board meeting, the President will then make his/her recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding Horizontal Advancement. If the President’s recommendations differ from the recommendations of the PSB for Horizontal Advancement, the Board will be so informed.

By this same date, the President will also notify the candidates of his or her recommendations concerning Horizontal Advancement.

The Board of Trustees, in its sole discretion, will determine how many and which applications will be approved.

Remuneration for Attaining Advancement
Individuals approved by the Board of Trustees for Advancement shall receive a yearly pay increase equal to 10% of the Column I base salary for Faculty, prorated to the number of contract months for the employee. This pay increase will be retroactive to the beginning of the individual’s current contract year. The employee will also move horizontally on the salary schedule to the next higher column.

Transition to the Revised Policy and Procedure 4220B – Horizontal Advancement
For Faculty and Professionals who are current employees at the time of adoption of this revised procedure 4220B: Such an incumbent employee may choose to use either the new procedures for determining if he or she is eligible to apply for Horizontal Advancement, or the old procedures, as last revised in February 1993, with the following restrictions:

• This limited grandfathering applies only to the employee’s next application for Horizontal Advancement (and for any subsequent applications to that same column).
• This limited grandfathering applies only to the employee’s eligibility to apply for Horizontal Advancement; it does not apply to the evaluation process by the PSB. After this revised procedure is adopted, all candidates will be evaluated by the PSB in accordance with the new procedure.
• When the employee is next granted Horizontal Advancement, all subsequent eligibility for further Horizontal Advancement will be determined according to this revised procedure.
• In no case will this grandfathering extend more than five years from the date of adoption of this revised procedure.

Only full-time faculty members are granted rank. Possible ranks are Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. Each faculty member is awarded an initial rank at time of hire.

Initial Rank
The supervisor for the vacant position, the Vice President for Student Learning, and the Chair of the PSB, in consultation with the PSB and the Vice President of Administrative Services, will use the candidate’s position-related experience and academic degrees to determine initial rank.

Initial Rank (Awarded at Time of Appointment)  

Years of Experience









Less than 5 



Less than 5 


Assistant Professor

5 - 10 


Assistant Professor

5 or more 


Associate Professor

More than 10 


Associate Professor


If an individual has attained rank at another academic institution, then the PSB for Initial Placement, may, at its discretion, recommend an equivalent rank if the placement scheme above would otherwise assign a lesser rank.

Rank Advancement
1. An employee granted Horizontal Advancement (advancing one column) will be automatically awarded the next higher rank. The effective date for this rank advancement shall be the same as the Horizontal Advancement.
2. If an employee is recommended for Horizontal Advancement by the PSB, and is not granted that horizontal advancement, the employee will be automatically awarded the next higher rank. However, such an individual will not be granted a rank increase for any subsequent applications for Horizontal Advancement to the same column.
3. A Faculty member who holds the rank of Instructor and who earns a position-related Doctorate will be automatically awarded the rank of Assistant Professor. The Educational Achievement Committee is responsible for determining if the Doctoral degree is position-related.
4. No monetary compensation is associated with rank.

Consistent with the additional salary offered new Faculty and Professionals for academic degrees, the College will also provide additional salary for current Faculty and Professionals who attain academic degrees. The additional salary will be computed as a percentage of the applicable Column I base, prorated to the number of months of the employee’s contract.

Additional Degree

Salary Increase


+1.5% of Column I Base

Second Associates

+1.0% of Column I Base


+3.0% of Column I Base

Second Bachelors

+2.0% of Column I Base


+4.0% of Column I Base

Second Masters 

+4.0% of Column I Base


+13.0% of Column I Base

Second Doctorate 

+13.0% of Column I Base


The following conditions apply:

1. To qualify, the degree must be equal to or higher than the degree level required for the employee’s position description. The Human Resources Office is responsible for making this determination.
2. Degrees must be position-related. The Educational Achievement Committee is responsible for making this determination.
3. Remuneration will be effective on the first day of the month after approval by the Educational Achievement Committee.
4. If this additional salary results in the total salary of the employee exceeding the maximum of the salary range from which the employee is compensated, any salary amount above the column maximum will be paid to the employee off schedule on a one-time only basis. However, should this employee subsequently be awarded horizontal advancement, then this employee shall receive any remaining recurring compensation which would have been received if this employee had not redlined, up to the maximum of the new column. The effective date for the new, recurring compensation shall be the same as the effective date for the horizontal advancement compensation.

Transition to the Revised Policy and Procedure 4220B
This paragraph applies only to current Faculty and Professionals at the time of adoption of this revised procedure 4220B. If such an incumbent employee already has attained a degree that meets the conditions in Section F above, then the employee will be granted a salary increase according to the schedule above, effective the beginning of the fiscal year after this revised procedure 4220B is adopted. However, the salary increase will not be granted if the employee has already received remuneration for the degree. For example, an employee who was hired with a Doctoral degree, and whose initial salary was adjusted based upon this degree, will not be entitled to additional remuneration.


The Educational Achievement Committee will have the following responsibilities:

1) When an employee submits the form “Intent to Apply for Horizontal Advancement,” the committee will determine whether the employee’s documented academic or professional activities can be used to satisfy the Minimum Educational Requirements for Horizontal Advancement. In this determination, the committee will, where applicable:
• Determine if educational or other professional development activities are position-related. The College’s “Guidelines for Evaluating Educational Achievements” will be used to make this determination.
• Determine if a professional licensure or professional certification merits inclusion, based on rigor, testing requirements, time-in-service requirements and so forth. The College’s “Guidelines for Evaluating Educational Achievements” will be used to make this determination.

2) An employee may request that the committee review and approve the employee’s plan for meeting the Minimum Educational Requirements for Horizontal Advancement. This review would occur before at least some of the elements of the plan are initiated or completed. Once approved by the committee, it is binding on both the College and the employee unless the parties mutually agree to a change or unless the employee obtains a new position significantly different from the position held at the time of plan approval. In this case, the employee and the committee shall meet to discuss what, if any, changes in the educational achievement plan are needed.

Employees are strongly encouraged to get prior approval, by the Educational Achievement Committee, before undertaking college course or professional development activities that might be used to satisfy educational requirements for advancement.

3) When an employee attains an academic degree equal to or higher than that required for the position description, the committee will, at the request of the employee, determine whether the degree is position-related. As described in Section F of this procedure, the degree may entitle the employee to additional remuneration.

Whenever the committee makes decisions concerning an employee’s educational achievements, the chair of the committee will submit a written report to the Human Resources Office. The report will be kept on permanent file.

The committee will uphold appropriate standards of quality in judging academic or professional achievements. To help ensure consistent and equitable application of these standards, the College President will approve written guidelines for such determinations.

The Human Resources Office will be responsible for informing faculty and professionals of the minimum educational requirements for advancement, and the standards for evaluating educational achievements. These standards may be updated periodically and will be made available on the Human Resources web page.

Composition of the Educational Achievement Committee
The committee will consist of 5 voting members and one ex officio member. Three of the 5 voting members are standing members. The remaining two voting members will vary, depending on the nature of the employee’s position.
Standing Members
• VP of Administrative Services (Chair)
• One Faculty member appointed by the President for a three-year term
• One Professional appointed by the President for a three-year term

Varying Members
• The supervising Vice President of the individual
• The immediate supervisor of the individual. If this supervisor is also the supervising VP, then this committee member will be appointed by the supervising VP.

Ex Officio Member
• The Chair of the PSB for Horizontal Advancement. This member will not vote, except in the case of a tie.

The two committee members appointed by the President will serve staggered terms.


A. Guidelines for Evaluating Education Achievements
As described above, the Educational Achievement Committee and the PSB for Initial Placement will use these guidelines, where applicable, to evaluate an individual’s academic and professional development activities. The guidelines are not part of this Policy and Procedure 4220B, but must be approved by the College President.

B. Guidelines for Horizontal Advancement
As described above, the Horizontal Advancement PSB will use these guidelines, where applicable, as part of the evaluation of an individual’s performance in the three areas of accomplishment. The guidelines are not part of this Policy and Procedure 4220B, but must be approved by the College President.

Adopted: November 19, 1981
Revised: January 10, 1985
Revised: February 12, 1987
Revised: August 27, 1987
Revised: June 28, 1990
Revised: December 19, 1991
Revised: February 25, 1993
Revised: June 10, 2004
Reformatted: July 26, 2011

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