Policy 5440A


The College recognizes students’ right to establish a representative student government association subject to the policies and procedures of the College.  The purpose of this organization is to: 

  • Represent the needs of the general student population.
  • Ensure effective self-government.
  • Help to create a collegiate environment comprised of a variety of student activities and events.
  • Promote cooperation between students, faculty, and staff.

Approved by Students: February 18, 1970
Adopted: January 26, 1984
Revised: May 26, 1988
Reformatted: May 10, 2011
Revised: November 12, 2015
Reformatted: March 17, 2017
Revised: October 8, 2020

Procedure 5440A


Students have the right, as well as the obligation, to pursue a significant role in providing for their educational needs and interests.  We, the members of the Western Wyoming Community College Student Government Association, in order to provide an effective form of communication, organization, and representation for the Western Wyoming Community College student body, do endorse and establish this Constitution. 

ARTICLE I – Name and Purpose
Section 1.        Name:

The name of this organization shall be the Western Wyoming Community College Student Government Association or SGA. 

Section 2.        Purpose:

                        The purpose of this organization shall be:

A. To represent all segments of the College student body and to provide a vehicle for the expression of student opinion;

B. To be responsive to the social, academic, and service related needs of College students;

C. To act as a conduit for communication between students, faculty, administration, and community. 

ARTICLE II – Membership
All credit students registered for the current semester at the College are members of the Associated Students of Western Wyoming Community College and are entitled to all rights and privileges granted in this Constitution. 

ARTICLE III – Origin of Authority
All authority vested in the SGA is granted by the Western Wyoming Community College Board of Trustees as stated in this Constitution. 

ARTICLE IV – Officers and Senators
The SGA shall consist of four elected Officers, eight elected Senators (including one Senate Speaker) and eight elected Campus Activities Board (CAB) Members (including one CAB Coordinator). 

Section 1.        Officers:

A. The SGA Officers shall be one President, one Vice President, one Secretary and one Treasurer.

B. Officers shall be full-time students.

C. The Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall have one vote each. The President shall only have a vote in the case of a tie.

D. The President shall have completed at least one semester as a full-time student at Western prior to election. 

Section 2.        Senators:

A. There shall be eight SGA Senators, four to be elected in the spring semester and four to be elected in the fall semester.

B. Each Senator shall have one vote.

C. There will be a Senate Speaker to be nominated and elected in the fall semester by majority vote of SGA Members. 

Section 3.        Campus Activities Board (CAB):

A. There shall be eight SGA CAB Members, four to be elected in the spring semester and four to be elected in the fall semester.

B. Each CAB Member shall have one vote.

C. There will be a CAB Coordinator to be nominated and elected in the fall semester by majority vote of SGA Members. 

ARTICLE V – Elections
The SGA membership shall elect SGA Officers, Senators, and CAB Members in the general elections conducted during the spring and fall semesters. 

Section 1.        Spring:

The general election, held during the spring semester, shall elect the SGA President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, four Senators and four CAB Members to commence duties at the beginning of the summer session.  

Section 2.        Fall:

The general election, held during the fall semester, shall elect four Senators and four CAB Members to commence duties immediately.   

Section 3.        Vacancies:

All vacancies occurring during the year shall be filled according to the SGA by-law procedures. 

ARTICLE VI – Meetings

Section 1.        Scheduling:

A. Meetings of the SGA shall be held once a week during the fall and spring semesters.

B. Meetings of the Senators shall be held once a week during the fall and spring semesters in addition to the regular SGA meetings.

C. Meetings of the Campus Activities Board shall be held once a week during the fall and spring semesters in addition to regular SGA meetings.

D. Special meetings may be called by the SGA President by giving members of the SGA twenty-four hours advance notice.

E. Special meetings may be called by an advisor upon request of a majority of elected members by giving twenty-four hours advance notice.

Section 2.        Quorum:

A quorum is necessary to constitute an official SGA meeting.  A quorum shall consist of a majority of SGA members and an advisor. 

Section 3.        Procedure:

SGA meetings shall be governed by parliamentary procedure.   The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the final authority in the case of parliamentary disputes. 

Section 4.        Business:

Any business enacted by the SGA must be carried by a simple majority vote of members present, unless otherwise specified in this Constitution. 

ARTICLE VII – Recall and Succession 

Section 1.        Recall:

All Officers, Senators, and CAB Members of the SGA shall be subject to impeachment and recall for good cause by the SGA membership as follows:

A. A written petition signed by ten percent of the SGA membership shall constitute a request for impeachment or recall. The petition shall specify whether the recall shall be by SGA Officer and Senator vote or by general membership vote.

B. Upon presentation of the petition, the SGA President shall call a special meeting within one week of receiving the petition. The changes will be reviewed in executive session during the special meeting.

C. If the President is the one facing impeachment or recall, then the presiding officer will call the meeting.

D. The SGA shall vote on the recall petition at the next regular meeting following the special meeting.

E. A two-thirds majority vote is required to confirm the recall. 

Section 2.        Succession:

Upon resignation or removal of an SGA officer, the method of succession will be as follows:

A. President – The Vice President will assume the post of SGA President in the event of a Presidential vacancy.

B. Vice President – An SGA election shall be conducted to fill a Vice Presidential vacancy. The SGA Secretary shall serve as interim Vice President until an election is held.

C. Secretary – An SGA election shall be conducted to fill the position of Secretary. The SGA Treasurer shall serve as interim Secretary until an election is held.

D. Treasurer – An SGA election shall be conducted to fill the position of Treasurer. The SGA Secretary shall serve as the interim Treasurer until an election is held. 

ARTICLE VIII - Campus Organizations

In order to encourage student organizations, the SGA will approve club charters and provide support and funding for materials and activities.  Procedures for chartering a club and obtaining funds are included in the By-Laws. 

ARTICLE IX – Amendments 

Section 1.        Constitution:

A. Amendments to the SGA Constitution may be proposed by any member of the student body.

B. Proposed amendments must be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of students enrolled in credit courses who cast a ballot.

C. The revised constitution must be approved by the Vice President for Student Services for submission to the Board of Trustees. 

Section 2.        SGA By-laws:

By-laws to the SGA Constitution provide procedures for the operation of the Student Government Association.

A. Amendments to the SGA by-laws may be proposed by any member of the student body.

B. Proposed amendments must be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the SGA members present. 

Article X – Adoption 

This Constitution shall become effective immediately upon a majority vote of the student body enrolled in credit classes and following approval by the Board of Trustees. 

Approved: May 26, 1988
Revised: April 24, 1997
Reformatted: February 2012
Revised: November 12, 2015
Reformatted: March 17, 2017
Revised: December 13, 2018
Revised: October 8, 2020



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