
Western prepares the student to practice as a Registered Nurse. The student will learn to provide professional nursing care of the patient in health promotion, chronic, acute, and complex stages of illness through an integrated concept-based curriculum.  This hybrid program delivers the classroom portion of the curriculum by traditional face-to-face and distance methods of delivery. Lab and clinical experiences are face-to-face in multiple learning environments on the main campus and at clinical sites throughout Western’s vast service area. Students are required to travel for lab, clinical, and simulation experiences.   

Western’s Nursing Program first time pass rates on the national licensing exam are consistently above the national average. Western nursing program's on-time completion rate is high, and  satisfaction among graduates and employers is superior.

Are you ready?

The following four prerequisite courses are required for program admission.

  1. BIOL 1010 - General Biology (Must take BIOL 1010 before BIOL 2010)
  2. BIOL 2010 - Human Anatomy & Physiology 1
  3. ENGL 1010 - English Composition
  4. MATH 1400 (or higher) - College Algebra

Application period is January through March 31.  The student has until the end of the spring semester to complete the prerequisite courses.  Students will be notified of acceptance by mid-June. See FAQs.

Applications will be accepted until the cohort is filled.  Qualified applicants meeting the deadline are given priority.