Western Ranked #1 for Affordability

Western Wyoming Community College was ranked the #1 most affordable school in Wyoming and most affordable college for an Associate's Degree by Affordable Schools.
Affordable Schools considers multiple factors in their methodology for determining ranking:
- Student faculty ratio is considered. Western has small class sizes with a 13:1 ratio. Western’s faculty are known for their dedication to their students.
- Graduation rates are key in determining ranking. Although not always true, most students who are satisfied with their studies are likely to remain enrolled and graduate with a degree. High graduation rates often indicate a solid academic experience. Western’s graduation rate is 37% which is considerably higher than the national average.
- Affordable Schools also looks at the cost of attendance. While cost is a major decision making factor for any student, it is important to consider the quality of education you’re receiving for the price. Western is an award-winning institution, consistently ranked in the top three – even at national levels.
Check out the Top Ten Reasons to attend Western. For questions about this award contact Audrey Harton, Public Relations Specialist at aharton@westernwyoming.edu.